The Keewatin Patricia
District School Board puts
students first by creating
a culture of learning
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4th Floor - 240 Veterans Drive, Kenora, ON P9N 3Y5
Phone: 807-468-5571 Fax: 807-468-3857
Toll Free: 877-275-7771
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79 Casimir Ave, Dryden, ON P8N 2Z6
Phone: 807-223-5311
Toll Free: 877-287-5430
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KPDSB Appoints Christy Radbourne as Director of Education

31 Aug. 2022

Media Release - August 31, 2022

Trustees of the Keewatin-Patricia District School Board are pleased to announce the appointment of Christy Radbourne to the position of Director of Education for the Keewatin-Patricia District School Board, effective September 6, 2022.

Radbourne is an accomplished long-time educator with over twenty years of experience in public sector education and private consulting. As a Student Achievement Officer with the Ministry of Education, she has supported Boards across the province in implementing post-pandemic learning plans, policy, frameworks, and curriculum.  Prior to her work with the Ministry she served for 11 years as an administrator with Lakehead Public Schools, including leading their future leaders program and as president of the Lakehead Ontario Principal’s Council.  She co-wrote Lakehead University’s Principal Qualification Program and has instructed the program for seven years, mentoring and developing education leaders across the province.

Radbourne holds a Master of Education from Lakehead University and is working toward her PhD jointly with Lakehead, Brock, and the University of Windsor. She has authored multiple publications in Indigenous and environmental Education, acted as a keynote for Lakehead University’s Faculty of Education, and created many community-based resources in Indigenous education and cultural competency.  This has included work with private corporations, non-governmental organizations, and municipalities to design and implement cultural competency programs and Indigenous education and awareness training.  She has presented at national and international education and mental health conferences on relationship-based education, Indigenous education, and environmental education.

Radbourne stated, “I am both humbled and honoured to join the Keewatin-Patricia District School Board and continue the excellent work and leadership of staff, improving achievement and well-being for every student. I look forward to working with our communities and Indigenous partners to increase opportunities and positive outcomes.”

Cecile Marcino, Chair of the Board, added, “We are pleased to welcome Christy to our Board and look forward to working closely with her to support students and staff across the system.”


Lakehead District School Board and Keewatin-Patricia District School Board Jointly Announce Changes in Senior Leadership

16 Jun. 2022

For Immediate Release 

Joint Media Release - June 16, 2022

(Thunder Bay, ON and Kenora, ON) Lakehead District School Board and Keewatin-Patricia District School Board jointly announce that Sherri-Lynne Pharand has accepted the position of incoming Director of Education with Lakehead District School Board. Sherri-Lynne Pharand has held the position of Director of Education with Keewatin-Patricia District School Board since 2020 and is looking forward to keeping her Northwestern Ontario leadership experience in the region.


Ellen Chambers, Chair of Lakehead District School Board, said the process for selecting the candidates for the new director of education was conducted by a third-party organization over the last several months, and that the successful candidate was formally chosen by the Board of Trustees last week.


“I am pleased to welcome Sherri-Lynne Pharand back to the Board in a role that will further advance the goals of the new 2021-2024 Strategic Plan and Indigenous Education Framework and lead our schools with experience and profound knowledge of the education system. I am enthusiastic to see the accomplishments and progress the Board will make with Sherri-Lynne Pharand as its new leader,” said Chair Chambers.


Sherri-Lynne Pharand’s experience as director of education is preceded by 13 years of experience as Superintendent of Education with Lakehead District School Board and includes significant contributions to Board initiatives such as its ongoing commitment to Indigenous cultural learning, international students, and curriculum development. She had an integral role in the development of the 2021-2024 Strategic Plan and Indigenous Education Framework and the Board’s commitment to reconciliation. Ms. Pharand is looking forward to continuing this meaningful and important work.


“I am honoured to return to Lakehead District School Board and work to support the achievements of all students and in particular work with the Indigenous community on First Nation, Metis, and Inuit Education to improve outcomes for Indigenous youth as well as to support all students and staff to learn about our shared history and the rich culture and traditions of Indigenous Peoples,” said Pharand. 


Cecile Marcino, chair of Keewatin-Patricia District School Board, said the Board has a process in place to conduct the replacement of the director of education and will begin that process in the coming weeks.


“The Board wishes Sherri-Lynne the best in the future. We have had the past two and a half years with her and she has shown grace and compassion with our staff and Board in whatever situation came to her. She is a great director of education and we will miss her,” said Marcino.


Sherri-Lynne Pharand will begin as Director of Education with Lakehead District School Board on September 1, 2022.


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Media contacts:



Lakehead District School Board:

Stephanie Rea

Communications Officer

(807) 625-5214 (office)

(807) 621-7342 (cell)


Local Government Week - October 18-22

18 Oct. 2021

Media Release - October 18, 2021

October 18-22 is Local Government Week.  The Keewatin-Patricia District School Board, along with the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA), are working to raise civic awareness by observing Local Government Week.

School board trustees are the oldest form of elected representation in Ontario.  Since 1807, generations of community-minded citizens have made decisions on behalf of local, publicly funded schools, building the foundation of our system today.  The board of trustees sets the vision, develops policies, allocates resources, and sets the goals that lay the foundation driving programs and operations in the board.  Collectively, they create the multi-year strategic plan for student achievement and well-being and recruit and monitor the performance of the Director of Education to ensure their progress in meeting the goals of the board.

Sherri-Lynne Pharand, Director of Education, stated “Trustees play a key leadership role in ensuring that schools provide a high standard of education and that the programs and services school boards provide remain responsive to the communities they serve. Here at the KPDSB, we are incredibly thankful to our Board of Trustees for their passion for education and dedication to ensuring our students always come first.”

The Keewatin-Patricia District School Board of Trustees:

  • Cecile Marcino, Chair of the Board (Kenora/Sioux Narrows)
  • Roger Griffiths, Vice-Chair of the Board (Machin)
  • Eric Bortlis, Trustee to Represent the Interests of Indigenous Students
  • Dave Cornish, Trustee (Kenora/Sioux Narrows)
  • Marilyn Duncalfe, Trustee ( Red Lake)
  • Barb Gauthier, Trustee (Dryden)
  • Michelle Guitard, Trustee (Pickle Lake, Savant Lake and Upsala)
  • Darrin Head, Trustee (Sioux Lookout)
  • Jennifer Kitowski, Trustee (Kenora/Sioux Narrows)
  • Gerald Kleist, Trustee (Ear Falls)
  • Robert O’Donohue, Trustee (Ignace)
  • Mason Gallagher, Student Trustee (Red Lake District High School)
  • Mackenzie Shakakeesic, Indigenous Student Trustee (Sioux North High School in Sioux Lookout)

Fast Facts about Trustees

There are different kinds of trustees:

  • Trustees elected every four years during municipal and school board elections, including more than 320 publicly elected trustees representing 31 public English school boards and three school authorities across Ontario.
  • Indigenous Trustees appointed to the board by First Nations communities.  More than half of Ontario’s English public English school boards have Indigenous Trustees.  Trustee Eric Bortlis currently holds this important position at the KPSDB.  The KPDSB also has an Indigenous Student Trustee position on the Board.  Indigenous Student Trustee for the 2021-2022 school year is Mackenzie Shakakeesic from Sioux North High School in Sioux Lookout.
  • Student Trustees elected by the student body of the board. The Ontario Student Trustees' Association (OSTA-AECO) represents more than two million students.  Student Trustee for the 2021-2022 school year is Mason Gallagher from Red Lake District High School.
  • Hospital board/school authority trustees are appointed by the Minister of Education for a term of four years, on the same term cycle as publicly elected trustees.
  • Attend and participate in meetings of the board, including meetings of board committees
  • Consult with parents, students and supporters of the board on the board’s multi-year plan
  • Bring concerns of parents, students and supporters of the board to the attention of the board
  • Uphold the implementation of any board resolution after it is passed by the board
  • Entrust the day–to-day management of the board to its staff through the board’s director of education
  • Maintain focus on student achievement and well-being
  • Comply with the board’s code of conduct.

Trustee Role and Responsibilities

What are the Responsibilities of a School Board?

School boards – the elected board of trustees – are responsible for student achievement and well-being, for ensuring effective stewardship of the board’s resources and for delivering effective and appropriate education programs for their students.

The Education Act and its regulations set out the services that district school boards and school authorities must offer. The responsibilities of a school board include a key governance role with respect to:

  • operating schools according to provincial legislation
  • having a vision statement that reflects the board’s philosophy and local needs and priorities
  • setting the board’s budget within the provincial grants and accompanying regulations
  • implementing curriculum according to ministry curriculum policy
  • developing and delivering other programs that reflect provincial policies and local priorities
  • providing for the hiring of teachers and other staff required in their schools
  • maintaining school buildings and property with regard to student safety and in accordance with provincial legislation
  • monitoring the policies of the schools and the achievement of students and, through the director of education, holding the entire system accountable for meeting provincial and board standards.


KPDSB & OSSTF Northern Shield Occasional Teachers' Bargaining Unit reach tentative settlement

14 Dec. 2020

Media Releases - December 14, 2020

The Keewatin-Patricia District School Board (KPDSB) and the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation of Ontario (OSSTF), Northern Shield Occasional Teachers’ Bargaining Unit, have reached a tentative settlement within the Local Bargaining Framework.  Both parties have now ratified the tentative settlement.

The parties are pleased with the work done through virtual platforms to achieve this local settlement and look forward to its implementation.

For more information, please contact Sherri-Lynne Pharand, KPDSB Director of Education at (807) 468-5571 or Dave Rhind, President, OSSTF at (807) 466-1165.

Dave Rhind, President
OSSTF, Northern Shield 

Cecile Marcino                                              
KPDSB Board Chair                                                                                                                                                         Occasional Teachers Bargaining Unit

Sherri-Lynne Pharand
KPDSB Director of Education           


KPDSB appoints Chantal Moore as Interim Superintendent of Education

10 Nov. 2020

Media Relese - November 10, 2020

The Keewatin-Patricia District School Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Chantal Moore as Interim Superintendent of Education. Moore will replace Joan Kantola who has accepted a position with School Mental Health Ontario for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year.

Moore started her teaching career at Crolancia Public School in Pickle Lake in 1994.  She has 19 years of K-12 administration experience, working at Wabigoon, Ignace and Upsala schools.  She has held various system responsibilities including leading Creating Pathways to Success, Principal/Vice-Principal Professional Development, eLearning/ConnectEd and Leadership Development.  Moore has a specialist in Guidance and Special Education.  She holds a BA/BEd from Lakehead University and a Master’s Degree from University of Toronto with a focus on instruction, curriculum and leadership.

Moore is passionate about providing optimal learning conditions for students by focusing on high yield instruction, creating caring, supportive and inclusive learning environments and maintaining high expectations. She is committed to meeting the needs of the whole child – academic, physical, emotional and social – which drives her avid professional reading, learning and leadership.  She is dedicated to ensuring that all students can reach their potential by focusing on students’ strengths, seeking student voice and providing opportunities. 

Moore stated, “I am prepared to work incredibly hard and ready to serve students and staff in a greater capacity as a Superintendent of Education for the KPDSB.  It is truly an honour to more widely collaborate with KP educators, support staff and all staff who work relentlessly to provide the best possible conditions for students to achieve. There is incredible collaboration, innovation, initiative and resilience in our organization.  I am extremely proud to be part of the Keewatin-Patricia District School Board and I am eager to expand my contribution and support KP students, staff, parents and communities.”

Sherri-Lynne Pharand, Director of Education, added, “Senior Administration, Trustees and I are so pleased to welcome Chantal to our team.  Her many years of administrative experience, her integrity and her passion for both student and staff learning will enable KP to continue to provide the best possible education for all.”
